How Vallis happened

Besides the beautiful landscape that surrounds it, the town is known for one more distinguishing trait which has been vital for the development of our company. Valjevo is home to an internationally-recognized, and UNESCO-supported science and research institute Petnica. With its advanced natural sciences program, the institute has been professionally educating talented young people outside their regular school curriculum since its inception in 1982. This makes Petnica a unique educational organisation across central and southeastern Europe.

Petnica Science Center
Technical facilities of Petnica Science Center
Valjevo Gymnasium, founded in 1870

The town’s Gymnasium founded in 1870, is just as known for its specialized curriculum in mathematics, science and information technology which differs it from other similar educational institutions. The Gymnasium has been able to attract and educate some of the most gifted students across the country and the wider region. Talented and skilled people in the area of natural sciences and information technology are a valuable – but limited – resource, often scattered all over the globe. This way Vallis is uniquely positioned, being able to tap into this resource at its own backyard.

These two institutions are credited for wakening of enthusiasm and passion for science and creating a basis for a countless number of young talents to become distinguished experts, many of whom work for some of today’s leading multinational companies, such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. Others have chosen academic paths, and can be found doing ground-breaking research for the world’s leading universities, including Cambridge, Oxford and Princeton, to name a few. It logically follows that the Petnica Institute and the Valjevo Gymnasium have been essential in fostering an environment of innovation necessary for the establishment of a sophisticated engineering company, such as Vallis. For this very reason, the Vallis name is synonymous with the environment that has enabled its foundations, and its growth.